All of our decks have 5 plies and will be shaped anywhere between 32mm-36mm and 97mm-98mm.
We have 3 mold shapes to offer: Prickly, Smooth, and Rocky.
We also offer 3 board shapes: Popsicle, Symmetrical and Succulent.
The nose on most of the decks will be slightly longer than the tail and slightly steeper. The only exception to that is the Rocky mold; this mold has an identical nose and tail, and when shaped on the symmetrical template, the deck is well, perfectly symmetrical!
The edges are nicely rounded and the holes are properly countersunk.
Decks pictured are 34mm x 98mm. Wider boards will have slightly deeper concave than narrower ones.
When you go to purchase a deck, the shape, mold and size will be listed in the description.
Check 'em out!

We have 3 mold shapes to offer: Prickly, Smooth, and Rocky.
We also offer 3 board shapes: Popsicle, Symmetrical and Succulent.
The nose on most of the decks will be slightly longer than the tail and slightly steeper. The only exception to that is the Rocky mold; this mold has an identical nose and tail, and when shaped on the symmetrical template, the deck is well, perfectly symmetrical!
The edges are nicely rounded and the holes are properly countersunk.
Decks pictured are 34mm x 98mm. Wider boards will have slightly deeper concave than narrower ones.
When you go to purchase a deck, the shape, mold and size will be listed in the description.
Check 'em out!